Short Courses

The short courses listed below will be offered on the Santa Monica campus of the Federal University of Uberlandia, except those marked with an asterisk (*).
To make your registration, CLICK HERE and visit the special registration page.
Minicursos de 16h
- Replication of anatomical structures using recycled polystyrene (XPS): precision, lightness and low cost in the production of teaching and display materials
Lecturer: M.Sc. Helder da Rocha (paleoartist, sculptor, art educator)
Date: October 19th, 20th and 21stMINICURSO 2:
- Hands-on lessons on fossil replicas to Learning & Teaching
Lecturer: Dr. Luiz Eduardo Anelli (Geoscience Institute/USP)
Date: October 19th, 20th and 21st
Fossil Collecting, Preparation and Replication Techniques*
*will be taught in Peirópolis, Uberaba.
Lecturers: Dr. Fabiano Iori (Museum of Paleontology "Pedro Candolo", Uchoa-SP), M.Sc. Helder de Paula Silva (National Museum/UFRJ) and Grad. Jessica Pontes (National Museum/UFRJ).
Date: October 19th and 20th
- Paleoart from A to Z-Brush
Lecturer: Grad. Rodolfo Nogueira (Prehistoric Factory)
Date: October 20th and 21stMINICURSO 5:
- Philosophical Foundations of Systematic Biology
Lecturer: M.Sc. Lucy Gomes de Souza (PhD student in Paleozoology, National Museum/UFRJ)
Date: October 20th and 21st
- Paleoclimatology: Understanding Earth's Climate Through the Fossil Record
Lecturer: M.Sc. Marcelo Mota (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)]
Date: October 20th and 21st
Minicursos de 8h
- Detecting Evolutionary Patterns with Comparative Phylogenetic Methods and Paleontological Data
Lecturer: Dr. Pedro Lorena Godoy (Stony Brook University)
Date: October 20thMINICURSO 8:
- Introduction to the Study of Microfossils - Evolution, Diversity and Applications
Lecturer: Dr. Cleber Fernandes Alves (Institute of Geosciences/UFRJ)
Date: October 20thMINICURSO 9:
- Paleopedology Applied to Paleontology: Taphonomic Trends of Roots
- Introduction to Paleobiogeography: Theory and Practice
Lecturers: M.Sc. Giovanne Mendes Cidade (PhD student in Comparative Biology, FFCLRP/USP) and M.Sc. Caio César Rangel (UFU, campus Monte Carmelo)
Date: October 20thMINICURSO 11:
Ichnology Applied to Sequence Stratigraphy
Canceled due to low demand.
Lecturer: Dr. Daniel Sedorko (Instituto de Geografia, UFU)
Date: October 21st
- Bauru Basin: Tectonics and Sedimentation
Lecturer: Dr. Alessandro Batezelli (Institute of Geosciences, UNICAMP)
Date: October 21stMINICURSO 13:
- Computational Methods in Paleontology
Lecturer: Dr. Mauro José Cavalcanti (Ecoinformatics Studio - RJ)
Date: October 21stMINICURSO 14:
- Management of Crocodiles in Wild and Captivity*
* will be taught at the Faculty of Veterinary, campus Umuarama/UFU.
Lecturers: Dr. André Luiz Quagliatto Santos, Dr. Teresinha Inês de Assumpção, M.Sc. Evandro Alves Canelo, Undergrad. Jessica Santos Queiroz (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine/UFU)
Date: October 21st
- Introduction to the Origin and Evolution of anamniotes Tetrapods
Lecturers: M.Sc. Lucas Almeida Barcelos (Federal University of ABC) and Grad. Rodolfo Santos (Master student in Zoology, Museum of Zoology/USP)
Date: October 21st
Minicursos de 6h
- Curation of paleontological collections
Lecturers: Dr. Maria Inês Feijó Ramos (Emílio Goeldi Museum) and Dr. Luciana Barbosa de Carvalho (National Museum/UFRJ)
Date: October 21stMINICURSO 17:
Lecturer: Dr. Mario Dantas (UFBA, campus Vitória da Conquista)
Date: October 21stMINICURSO 18:
- Paleontology Interventions in Basic Education: complementing didactic material, developing socio-emotional skills and investing in the formation and commitment to the natural sciences