Organizing Committee

During the XXV Brazilian Congress of Paleontology, held July 17-21, 2017 on campus of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo, the board of the Brazilian Society of Paleontology sought the team of the Paleontology Laboratory of the Institute of Biology of the Federal University of Uberlândia, which was present there. with papers presentation, and sent a request for the next event, in 2019, to be held in Uberlândia. This apparently unusual situation, given that Congress venues have traditionally been decided after consideration of proposals previously submitted and voted in Assembly, was justified by the good track record of organizing regional events presented by the aforementioned Laboratory staff, such as the IX and XIII Regional Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Paleontology in Minas Gerais - PALEO MINAS, held in December 2010 and 2016, respectively, in addition to the cohesion of its student team, collaborators and teacher. Accepting the challenge, the coordinator of the INBIO / UFU Paleontology Laboratory committed to the event before the Assembly of the XXV Brazilian Paleontology Congress, which was endorsed by the attendees.
This was followed by the articulation of a network of collaborators that culminated in the Organizing Committee and the Support Committee listed below. The principles that structured the composition of these committees were: 1) Adherence to the objectives of the Brazilian Congress of Paleontology; 2) Enthusiasm at the challenge of organizing the most important meeting of the area in the country; 3) Previous experience in organizing academic events; 4) Professional and / or emotional ties with the host region of the 26th edition; 5) Willingness to engage in teaching, research and extension activities; 6) Initiative, dynamism and leadership in the performance of group tasks; 7) Capacity of planning; 8) Ability to deal with adversity. These criteria are fully met by the established teams:
Maria Martha Barbosa
Retired Professor, National Museum
Founder of the Brazilian Society of Paleontology
President of Honor
Douglas Riff
Institute of Biology, Federal University of Uberlandia
Taíssa Rodrigues Marques da Silva
Federal University of Espírito Santo
Ana Clara Santos Riff
Federal Institute of Triangulo Mineiro, campus Uberlândia
Stephania Olímpio Marçal
Liliane Martins de Oliveira
Institute of Biology, Federal University of Uberlândia
Logistic Coordination
Hermínio Ismael de Araújo Júnior
State University of Rio de Janeiro
Rafael Costa da Silva
CPRM Earth Sciences Museum
Scientific Coordination
Sabrina Rodrigues
Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences, Federal University of Uberlandia, campus Pontal
Fabiana Rodrigues Costa
Federal University of ABC
Short Course Coordination
Daniel Sedorko
Institute of Geography, Federal University of Uberlandia, campus Monte Carmelo
Santana of the Angels Zerfass Geise
Cleber Fernandes Alves
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Coordination of Symposiums and Round Tables
Fernanda Quaglio
Federal University of de São Paulo
Thiago Marinho
Federal University of Triângulo Mineiro
Coordenation of Fieldtrips
Caio Caesar Rangel
Institute of Geography, Federal University of Uberlandia, campus Monte Carmelo
Paleoart Coordination
Tawane Carvalho Fonte Boa Machado
Thales Nunes da Silva
Paleontology Laboratory - UFU
Daiane Silva
Paleontology Analytical Laboratory - UFU
Support Coordination