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Abstracts, papers and presentations

The abstracts presented in the XXVI BCP should be unpublished, original or revision studies. Results may be preliminary, and the final results can be updated in the presentation. The review and edition of the abstracts will be conducted by the Scientific Committee of XXVI CBP and at least one external reviewer designated by such committee. If necessary, abstracts submitted will be returned to the authors for correction and new submission to the Scientific Committee, or rejected. Abstracts should be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish. All abstracts will be published in the electronic version of the bulletin Paleontologia em Destaque (ISSN 1807-2550) and should comply the following guidelines:
TITLE: Times New Roman, size 12, uppercase. Scientific names in upper and lowercases. The title should not exceed 18 words. The title should express exactly the contents of the abstract. Where relevant, it should include the type of fossil identified or reassessed (its taxonomic position, at least its most inclusive clade), its age and the location of the deposit (in that sequence). Abstracts in Portuguese or Spanish should have the title translated into English in a new line (capital letters, italic, Times New Roman, size 12, just below the title in Portuguese or Spanish).
AUTHORS: Full names of all authors positioned on two lines below the title. Times New Roman 10, uppercase, separated by commas, with a number in superscript to indicate the affiliation, and in the sequence of authorship. Being a single author, or all authors with the same affiliation, it is not necessary to insert indication numbers.

Full papers extended from abstracts submitted to the XXVI BCP will be received by March 2020 to be published, after peer review, in the journals Journal of South American Earth Sciences (Elsevier, ISSN 0895-9811) and Terrae Didatica (Institute of Geosciencies of the State University of Campinas-UNICAMP, ISSN 1980-4407).

To a abstract template, click here.