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The Federal University de Uberlândia (UFU) is a public higher education institution created in the 1960s and federalized in 1978. UFU's mission is to train qualified professionals, produce knowledge and disseminate science, technology, innovation, culture. and art in society, through free public education, research and extension, aimed at improving the quality of life, spreading ethical and democratic values, social inclusion and sustainable development.

Headquartered in Uberlandia, UFU has seven university campuses, four of which are at Uberlandia and three campuses in the cities of Ituiutaba (Pontal campus), Monte Carmelo (Araras campus) and Patos de Minas. It also has three hospitals (Gereral  Hospital - includes Cancer Hospital; Odontological Hospital and Veterinary Hospital), as well as three experimental farms and an ecological reserve (Reserva do Panga). With an academic community of over 30,000 people (3,097 administrative staff, 2,033 faculty, 25,259 students. Base: August/2018), UFU currently offers 65 undergraduate courses with different denominations (or 107 undergraduate courses if differentiated by shift, degree and campus), 24 specialization courses, 40 medical residency courses, 42 academic masters courses, 8 professional masters courses and 23 doctoral courses. It also works in early childhood, elementary and youth education through ESEBA, and offers technical courses in health and environment at its Technical School of Health (ESTES). For more details see the catalog of UFU courses .

With a humanistic orientation, focused on the full exercise of citizenship and based on the inseparability between teaching, research and extension, UFU has become a reference in technological innovation and consolidates its importance in the national and international scenario of quality higher education. Nationally, the university is present through interinstitutional masters and doctorate courses; internationally, it is present in over 40 countries through government and mobility programs.

Thus, UFU consolidates itself as the second largest university in the state of Minas Gerais, ranked by national quality rankings as the 26th to 28th best university in Brazil, and also listed in the world ranking Times Higher Education .

Visit here the Academic Guide for the second semester of 2019.


Take advantage of CBP and get to know UFU museuns!

Flags of Brazil and UFU on Vega Island, Antarctic Peninsula, in a scientific camp held from 08/12/2017 to 24/01/2018.