About the event
We would like to invite you to attend the XXVI Brazilian Congress of Paleontology , which will take place in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, from October 21 to 25, 2019.
As the largest national meeting in this area, the Brazilian Congress of Paleontology is the most important and fruitful opportunity for congregation and exchange of experiences among paleontologists, students and admirers of this science in the country. As the only major national gathering of paleontologists working in several subjects, such as micropaleontology, vertebrate paleontology, invertebrate paleontology and paleobotany, as well as users of different technologies and approachs in the area, the Brazilian Congress of Paleontology becomes a privileged moment for mutual updating and feedback. The noticiable student participation and interface with the general public also affirm the Brazilian Congress of Paleontology as a catalyst for the formation of new paleontologists and for the scientific dissemination.
Since its first edition, the Brazilian Congress of Paleontology has also been a space for the representation and articulation of national paleontologists through the election of the staff of the Brazilian Society of Paleontology. It is also a moment of speaking and listening to claims and affirmation of the Brazilian paleontological community regarding the formation and employability of paleontologists, the legality for the exercise and supervision of the profession, the protection of the fossiliferous heritage, as well as a space for manifestation. tolerance, diversity and inclusion and to combat discriminatory attitudes within the paleontological community.
Throughout its history, the Brazilian Congress of Paleontology has established itself as an event of recognized excellence and importance, not only for national and international Paleontology, but for Brazilian science as a whole. This recognition is reflected in the constant financial support to their organization provided by various public funding agencies, especially the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq/MCTI&C), the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES/MEC) and the state agencies. Companies and other public bodies such as PETROBRAS and the Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM), private foundations various private companies joined the event as supporters of national paleontology.
At the 60th anniversary of the Brazilian Congress of Paleontology, the city and the Federal University of Uberlândia are proud to host the 26th edition. Its location in the Triangulo Mineiro, one of the regions with the largest number of dinosaurs in the country and of great relevance for the study of continental Cretaceous fossils, coupled with the logistical facilities offered to participants by the municipality, led the Brazilian Society of Paleontology to delegate this. great responsibility to the Paleontology Laboratory of the Institute of Biology, Federal University of Uberlândia , shared with colleagues from the Analytical Paleontology Laboratory of Pontal Institute of Exact and Natural Sciences , from the Laboratory of Applied Paleontology of the Mount Carmel Geology Course (UFU) and also with colleagues from IFTM and UFTM , UFES , UERJ , UFABC , CPRM and CENPES-PETROBRAS .
The theme of the event, " The Legacy of Time and the Fossil Lessons" emphasizes the understanding of Extinctions and the multiple interfaces of Paleontology in biodiversity conservation. We consider that knowledge from the study of fossils and their impact for understanding the present tense reveals that the importance of paleontology extends far beyond a simplistic and romanticized reading of its etymology.
The logo of the XXVI Brazilian Congress of Paleontology was produced by Uberlândia's Uberlândia designer Bruno Nascimento. See here the inspiration that Bruno sought in the paleontologist's work and the theme of the event, to then idealize and produce our visual identity.